Sunday, December 9, 2012

A Snowy Second Sunday of Advent

The Second Sunday of Advent
Today is the second Sunday of Advent and just like the first Sunday of Advent, it was snowing in our area.

While my husband prepared breakfast and the girls stayed longer in bed, I was out walking the dog. Rikki and I enjoyed the first snow flakes. We savored the quiet, hearing only the crunch of snow as we walked in the woods. I let her run while I carefully planned my steps though I would have loved to just run along with her.

The Snowy Second Sunday of Advent

After breakfast, we went to church, despite the thick snow outside. It was a family mass. IC, who will be celebrating her First Communion next year, has been assigned a role. She did great and we're proud of her. Afterwards, there were coffee and tea for adults and warm kiddie punch for kids; plus cookies and biscuits.

The Church and the Christmas Market
We passed the Christmas Market and some booths were already open. The girls and I wanted to linger but it was snowing so hard and Rikki is alone at home. We'll be back.

Back home, the girls started shoveling snow and stayed outside playing. Rikki was happy running around. My husband prepared dinner while I cleaned the house. Tomorrow is a big day! MC's turning 11 tomorrow.

We hope you had a great Second Sunday of Advent, too.

The view in front of my little office

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